Assign security permissions for a group

When to use this procedure

Follow the steps below to assign security permissions to a group. These permissions will apply to all members of that group and override any conflicting permissions that may be assigned to individual members.

Steps to complete

  1. From the Admin menu, point to Employee/Security and click Employee/Groups. The Employee/Group Administration window displays.
  2. Select the group for which you want to assign permission access and click Properties. The Group Properties window displays.
  3. Select the type of security items you want to view: Control, Menu Bar, Process, Report, or All items.
  4. In the Access column, assign Full (allows access to the feature), None (removes access to the feature), or Read Only (employees can view, but not edit the feature) to each secured item. Alternatively, you can assign Full or None to all of the items at the same time by clicking Full or None above.
  5. Click Save.